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In loving memory of



In Loving Memory of Our Extraordinary Sphynx Cat

Ollie, our dear hairless wonder, left paw prints on our hearts after 14 incredible years. You weren't just a pet; you were a cherished family member, a source of warmth (even without fur!), and endless entertainment.

We'll never forget your:

Unique Appearance, you challenged every stereotype about cats!
Your wrinkled skin begged for cuddles, and your big eyes seemed to hold an ancient wisdom.

You had boundless energy, chasing after anything that moved (especially those feathery toys) and defying feline stereotypes with your love of a good fetch session.

Despite your mischievous side, you were a cuddle monster at heart. We'll miss those moments curled up together, your warmth radiating through your hairless form.
Fourteen years may seem like a short time, but you filled our lives with enough love and laughter to last a lifetime. You leave behind a huge void, but also a lifetime of cherished memories.

We'll miss you dearly, Ollie.

Rest easy, little buddy. You'll forever be our wrinkled ray of sunshine.

Beloved pet


Died age


29 April 2024 at 09:54:26


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